Aston picks up stones he feels sorry for and brings them home.
Soon it’s too crowded at Aston’s home and his parents suggests the stones goes on vacation.
While the stone collection maybe comes to an end a new one seems to begin.
Aston’s Stones has been rewarded 8 int. awards between 2007-2009 and was nominated as the final five to Cartoon D’or 2009.
The film can be found in several compilations of short films on DVD, theatrical screening for kids and on streaming services around the world.

Swedish Title: Aston´s Stones
Year of release: 2007
Length: 9 min.
Technique: Digital cut-out
Age: For kids 2-7
Directors: Lotta Geffenblad, Uzi Geffenblad
Story: Lotta Geffenblad (based on a book with the same title)
Screenplay: Lotta Geffenblad, Uzi Geffenblad
Animation: Elinor Bergman
Additional animation: Finn Engstöm, Lotta Geffenblad, Uzi Geffenblad
Music: Uzi Geffenblad
Design and Art Work: Lotta Geffenblad
Voices: Olivia Åslund-Lindbom (Aston), Mia Åslund (Mom), Mikael Lindbom (Dad)
Sound and Mix: Leif Westerlund, Lars Lundberg / CinePost AB
Lab: Nordisk Film Post Production, Stockholm
Poster Layout: Cicci Lorentzon
Available on: 35-mm, 1:85 (Dolby SR), DigiBeta (16:9), DVD.
“Barnperspektivet är kompromisslöst” – Malena Janson, SvD Helgvalet
(Apr. 2014) Seven years after it’s release in 2007 Aston’s Stones is still doing well.
In the 2014 edition of Stuttgart International Trickfilm Festival (22-27 April 2014) the short film was screened as a part of ”Best of Animation” – a classic and a highlight of the festival is the section which presents the most important and interesting animated films of the past ten years.
Soon after the film was also published on DVD in Australia.
A festival called Little Big Shots is celebrating it’s 10th birthday and published a special 10th birthday retrospective collection of 12 short films. The festival director Ben L. has said: “This collection of films I regarding as one of the best moments since I took on the role at LBS.“
Below and excerpt (00:37) from the French version of Aston’s Stones (Les pierres d’Aston)