A boy spends a day at the seaside with his uncle.
He learns the power of nature and the sea through adventures he experiences as he plays.
Based on a poem by Uzi Geffenblad.
The films has received 4 international awards and it’s the first Swedish film EVER to be published on DVD! (according to TM).

Original title : Aprikoser
Year of release: 1996
Length: 11 minutes
Technique: Cut-out
Age: For kids from 4-8
Directors: Lotta and Uzi Geffenblad
Screenplay: Uzi Geffenblad
Animation and Artwork: Lotta Geffenblad
Sound & Music: Uzi Geffenlad
Voice: Alva (Alef) Geffenblad
Format: 35-mm
“Välgjort in i minsta detalj ” Boel Gerell, Sydsvenskan
TTTT “Konstverk för små cineaster” Louise Lagerström, SVT Text
The film can be found in different DVD’s. Both as a”bonus film” for “Among the thorn“, as a part of a compilation of three of our films (incl. Wing gets lost and Aston’s Stones) in a Swedish program called “Tre med känsla för de små” and in a French DVD called “Petit à petit” (Arte editions).
An exhibition with original backgrounds and animation parts, framed in a 100×70 cm. wooden frame.
The exhibition has been touring France and has been shown in various museums and galleries.
Here are some of the items ->
We often get the question “How did you make the sea?”
Here’s a short video where Lotta is demonstrating the construction of the sea.
The film was financed with supported by the Swedish Film Institute (SFI) commissioner Bitte Eskilsson and a generous pre-sale to te Swedish Television (SVT), Helena Sandblad.