
Our films can be found in many formats, languages and channels.
Most of them are compiled in groups of several shorts and can be both streamed, downloaded, purchased as DVD or booked for theatrical screenings.
Below are some of the main distributors whom you may contact if you are interested in having the version of our films in your own language.
We have had several retrospective programs. You can always send an email with a request for screening rights in case our distributors are not able to help you.
Note that if you find our films on YouTube or other social medias it is probably not an authorized copy.

We’ve been working closely with distributors who specialized in screening films for the young audience.

Our Swedish distributor is Folkets Bio. They focused mainly of screenings in theatres.
They use sub-distributors for streamings, such as Draken Film or the Cineasterna if you have a library card.
Look also in SF Anytime for streaming of several of our films.
Some of our films, like the Spot and Splodge series, are available on SVT or in a minority version of Luleå Sami in UR streaming.

Our French distributor Les Films Du Preau have a great catalogue and work closely with activities for kids, reaching out to them in small communities all around France, and the French speaking neighbour countries.

Our Spanish distributor MODIband have created a “Circle of films“, putting together four 45 minutes programs only with our films, screened in Caixa Forum. They have made four language versions with our films as well, to reach all parts of Spain.

Our Belgique distributor JEF is situated in Antwerpen. They screen the dutch version of Spot and Splodge – Stip & Vlek.

Our Fremch DVD's
Aston's Stones as a cover to the Danish children's films event Børnebiffen

The Danish Film institute (DFI) have several
of our films for educational screenings.

Our Aston’s Stones has been used as a “cover boy”
in the Danish Children’s film event “Børnebiffen”.

Below: A french document about how the puppets
are made in Spot and Splodge.