Category: Children / Picture Books
Publication: 2006 Autumn
Original language: Swedish
Publisher: BonnierCarlsen
Text and Image: Lotta Geffenblad
This book is also published in Norwegian (at Mangschou) and is adapted to film.
The 4th book and the 1st film about Spot and Splodge
White spots are drifting down outside Spot and Splodge’s window. It’s SNOW, whirling and swirling out there! With snow you can build a snowman, have a snowball fight, and make angels in the snow – Spot and Splodge try everything!
But all of a sudden things change – the snow turns into sharp little flakes lashing down, and there’s a strong wind. The snow sticks all over their bodies, there isn’t a spot of Spot to be seen, and where’s Splodge? Where’s the house? Oh, there’s Splodge! Completely covered in snow! But why doesn’t he move when Spot gives him a push? Has Splodge frozen solid? Suddenly Splodge tips over and falls to pieces – things are getting tricky, and dangerous!
This is the fourth book about Spot and Splodge. The earlier stories dealt with such diverse themes as a picnic being ruined by invasive little insects, and the amazing magic a dentist can work on teeth in need of some help.
Lotta Geffenblad’s narrative tone is calm and humorous, with plenty of play on words and double meanings. The illustrations have a style all of their own, simultaneously modern and reminiscent of a book of fairy tales from a hundred years ago. Spot and Splodge’s world looks cosy, private and cool, to put it simply!
“Spot and Splodge must be the year’s most charming anti-heroes” – Södermanlands Nyheter
“Little rabbits with enormous charm” – Swedish Daily News (SvD)
“They just look so cool ” – Sydsvenskan
“… a charming, uncomplicated approach to life.” – Bibliotekstjänst