
This page is still under construction so some links might no be working right.
I divided the text section into four subsections: Manuscripts, Poems, Books, Free Text.
Each section is in itself a portal to several pages.

I have published mainly manuscripts for films. About twenty or so.
In recent years I’ve published some books base on photography.

The self-biography ”Mina svenska hem” has been published in 2024 (in Swedish),
portraying my journey in Sweden during the 38 years I’ve been living there.
I based my story on the places I’ve been calling “home”.

I’ve been writing stories since I was ten years old but I’ve never seen myself as an author.
It’s seems like a heavy burden to carry and I’m a bit lazy …
But somehow, whenever I write, it feels like it’s the right thing for me to do.
First I wrote lyrics for music, and then poetry, just for the sake of it or to get so to say out of the system, and finally I wrote stories that became manuscripts for film.
This is where I feel at home the most.
The combination of text and picture is a strong bound. The one is serving the other.

Our short film Apricots (1996) was based on a poem I wrote, adapted first as a children’s book and finally to a script.
The process of adaptation to a movie is mostly taking away the unnecessary words.
The images and actions should be sufficient and the words should only support them.
But, in the beginning there were words.

Here is how the original text for Apricots was in the beginning and as the final version.

Another film had a very different process.
Among the Thorns was originally only a sketch on one paper.
The task was to create a story forcing a little boy to cross a large field of thorns.
The script from that sketch covered about 52 minutes of action and the final result was a 46 minutes animation that took seven years to produce.
As they say, be careful what you wish for.

Not all manuscripts stand by themselves as text only.
I’ve chosen some of my texts to be presented in here.
Most of them are written in Swedish.
It feels like a big brave leap to publish poems in English, but after a course in writing poetry in English I took in 2024 I’m a much braver person 🙂
Here are some of my recent poems.