A specific show was designed for preschools kids demonstrating how the films of Spot and Splodge were made, using the original puppets and scenography from the TV-series.
It’s an introduction of the basics of stop-motion in a way both kids and teachers can easily understand, and later on continue to do by themselves. This is a well appreciated program who takes about 45 minutes. By now hundreds of kids, in both Sweden and abroad, have been participating.

Over the years we’ve been teaching and holding different kind of seminars, lectures and workshops for adults and professionals as well. Apart from working in Sweden as guest lecturers in Animationsakademin, in STDH (fomer DI), Stockholm University (DSV), BUFF in Malmö we’ve had the pleasure of visiting different kind of schools abroad such as, Dalian University in China, the Int’ Animated Film Festival Banjaluka, BAU Design College in Barcelona, ŠAF in Croatia, Luxembourg Int’ Film Festival and more.
Our main subjects are Stop-motion animation, Production of animation and Development of script.

<- With student of Masters in animation in BAU, Barcelona, Spain.
I’ve been lecturing on the process “from wheat to bread” i.e. how to survive and produce independent animation from an idea/script to a ready film. And how to reach the audience.
Examples from our own films thru the years and inside stories from the productions.
Below, two short films, made in Cyprus 2007 and Luxembourg 2015. Participating are children from both the Greek and the Turkish part of the Cyprus, and kids from the suburbs of Luxembourg. The workshops was done in one day and was organized by the Children’s film festival in Cyprus. The theme of the workshop was “live a healthy life” and since there was a language barrier it was easiest to work physically and in a group.
In Luxembourg we took a part of the larger Luxembourg int’ Film Festival.

A short clip from a Pixilation workshop with young people from both the Greek and the Turkish side of Nicosia in Cyprus.