Spot and Splodge See Stars

Spot and Splodge See StarsSwedish Title: PRICK OCH FLÄCK SER STJÄRNOR
Children / Picture Books
2008 Autumn
Original language: 
Text and Image: Lotta Geffenblad

This book is also published in Norwegian (at Mangschou) and Russian [КРАПА и ЛЯПА].


A Big Spot Adventure

When you’re out in the dark you have to watch out! Far out in the sky there are lots of stars that shine like small spots. And a very big spot – the moon. If you watch really close, you can see letters and numbers.

Spot and Splodge are watching very carefully, straight up towards the sky. Suddenly there is a smack when they bump into each other. What a bang! They both fall over and it’s all quiet. Did they faint? But now something happens: a loud sound gets closer and something that looks like a plate is landing on the ground with a thump. A door opens and a strange fellow is climbing down. Now what is this?

Lotta Geffenblad has a calm and humorous tone in her narration, playing with words and double meanings. Her illustrations are both modern and old at the same time.

Zigzag books